How to Setup a Tablet for OSU?

Configuring your Tablet the Right Way

In order to get the most accurate cursor movement and sync it well enough with your wrist movement on the tablet, you should configure your device options in the correct way.

It is essential how your in-game cursor behaves to the way you move your hand because the most important thing in this game is being fast and accurate enough.

Finding suitable options for yourself is hard at first, even if you don’t know what the game is about.

Although, it depends on your personal preferences because as you know everybody plays games on different, keyboard, mouse and resolution options.

Hence it is very important to know on how to setup a tablet for OSU.

Stick around to find out the best beginner tablet options that will align best with Osu!

how to setup a tablet for OSU?

Tablet Mapping

One of the first things you should pay attention to is your tablet mapping. Osu has a sensitivity configuration as every other game, but the area that will be used from the tablet should be configured from the tablet-specific app. Every tablet manufacturer creates an app in order to customize your tablet’s performance without actually using in-game options, so this means you will be able to make the most suitable options for yourself without accessing any tablet-specific in-game options.

The tablet mapping determines what area of the tablet you use compared to the whole screen, in other words, the smaller tablet mapping you use, the smaller the area that covers is on the screen. Some people might prefer the full area, which means the whole tablet surface will be in use while playing Osue! and in such cases, most players increase their sensitivity.

Determine which configuration you prefer better and stick with it.

Osu Resolution and In-game Options

Although your essential options will be configured in your tablet app, there are still some game-related options that are recommended to be taken into consideration. The native resolution your game will be run at is your monitor resolution, but some of the Osu! the community prefers using other mechanics to reach the best performance during your game sessions.

Most Osu tablet players recommend using the resolution 1600×900 at Windowed Mode for better performance. It could sound a little bit advanced, but using this ratio and resolution will contribute to the most accurate gameplay and best performance when using a tablet. Another option is 1920×1080 borderless where players say that they can see the notes better. So, again it is up to you to feel and decide which resolution works better for you.

Let’s see a standard configuration for Osu! gameplay that you can’t go wrong with:

  1. First, make sure that you have sensitivity x1. Configure your tablet cursor movement through your tablet app and leave your sensitivity at its native level. Mind that in order to use the app your tablet’s drivers must be up to date and stable to use.
  1. Your second step is to turn the raw input on. The raw input is an option that affects mouse/tablet performance, but in the case of your tablet, to read values directly from your hardware without having any post-processing. As a result, it could ignore any acceleration algorithms and windows bugs and occur tablet sensitivity adjustment without actually attaching a custom tablet are mapping at the driver-level. It is recommended to turn this on during your game sessions for the best performance.
  1. Turn the Os TabletPC support OFF. Letting this option ON, may cause some adverse events as tablet clicks might pass through the overlay into Osu! which can result in bad accuracy and performance.

If you are new to Osu!, we recommend using these configurations until you explore the gameplay enough to configure as per your desires.

Frequently Asked Questions

Could playing at my native resolution harm my gameplay? Some people are used to playing at their normal monitor resolution but at something, during game sessions, it comes down to wrist movement, and having a smaller area with bigger mapping could contribute to success. It is really up to you to determine the resolution that fits you best during gameplay.

Can Os TabletPC support harm my gameplay if left on? The Osu! community shares that it isn’t determined if this option does endanger gameplay in other games. An unexpected harmful event could occur if left on so consider turning it off, but if you’re willing to find out what’s the true meaning of this feature feel free to try it.

Bottom Line:

The last thing that we should mention is that the recommended approach to playing Osu! is to hover your pen above the tablet’s surface. If you can’t get used to it, you can drag the pen, but we don’t recommend playing on full screen as the Osu! the community often complains about bugs, regardless of the tablet model.

We hope our post was helpful for you to adjust and configure your tablet for playing Osu! and we wish you defeating all beatmaps.

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