Should Tablets Replace Textbooks?

This is a somewhat controversial subject in certain circles, but a very interesting one nonetheless.

Should Tablets replace textbooks altogether in classrooms be it in schools or colleges ?

Let’s explore this notion by weighing in the pros & cons of using tablets instead of textbooks in a classroom setting.

Should Tablets Replace Textbooks

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Tablets instead of Textbooks in Classrooms


The number of technology enthusiasts grows every day, but there are still a lot of people of all ages that love reading from books.

There are a lot of advantages to having your textbooks on a tablet, but there are a few drawbacks too.

We will try to look at each as impartially as we can here.

We should always strive to look at the data in this way, and not be swayed by things like tradition or a desire to change things for the sake of change.


It is obviously a lot easier to carry a tablet around than it is to haul all your textbooks.

This much is clear. You can have all your reading material in one small device that you can take with you without effort.


A potential downside of having everything on your tablet is that you are completely dependant on your device’s battery to read.

You would have to know for sure that you have your charger on you at all times and access to an electrical outlet if you decide to make this transition.


Books are not invulnerable, but they sure are a lot more durable than a tablet. When carrying a tablet you should always take it with a protective case that ensures that your device is safe. This is especially the case if all of your material is in that one device. If you do have a case you should be fine most of the time, as long as you are careful to remember where you are storing your tablet at all times. Also, make sure that you do not leave it behind!

Note Taking

Although reading apps are a lot better at letting us take notes today than they were just a few years ago this is still something that requires some consideration. There are lots of people that depend on their ability to take notes as they read, underline, and other markings. You can do this digitally with books on a tablet, but many would argue that it is not the same. Keep this in mind if you are the note-taking type.

Related : Best Tablets for Note Taking

Physical Interaction

Similar to taking notes is the ability to interact with the pages of a book with our own hands. Some claim that being able to turn the pages and feel the smell of a book has no comparison to using a tablet. Although this is to be respected it is a matter of personal taste that should be weighed against the convenience that a tablet can offer. There are a lot of people that dislike reading from a screen, while lots of others do not mind or even prefer it over reading from paper. You can certainly get accustomed to either option if you had to, so don’t fret too much about other’s opinions in this regard.

Screen Features

If you are going to replace your textbooks with a tablet the device should have certain technical features. It is one thing to have a tablet for casual use and a very different one to have it as one of your main reading sources (if not the main one). Let’s list the main features here:

1.         Screen Size. There are a lot of different screen sizes available, make sure that you do not go below 7” if you want to be able to display a full-page comfortably.

Related : Best 7-inch Tablets

Screen size comes side to side with resolution.

2.         Resolution. A resolution that is too low results in pixelated displays, but if you have a higher resolution available you will need to make sure that your reading app is handing font size in a smart way, or that you make the adjustments yourself. As a rule, it is always better to have a higher Pixel Per Inch (PPI) count.

3.         Backlight and Anti-glare. These two features are a must on a tablet that is meant for reading.

There is a specific kind of back-lightning that is easier on the eyes, while the anti-glare glass is a must for reading outside.

Related : Best Tablets to Use in Direct Sunlight


Technology is a tool, and as such depends on the user to be defined as beneficial or detrimental to anything in particular. If you are careful about the details you can make the transition to digital without paying a high price for it. But there will always be a place for paper books.

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