How to Change Language on a Samsung Tablet?

If you are struggling to change the language of your Samsung tablet, you are at the right place.

Stick around to reveal how to switch between languages and where to locate all language settings that you are probably unaware of.

If you are experiencing issues with changing the language of your Samsung tablet, here we will provide you with common issues that could occur whenever changing language and how to troubleshoot them.

The real challenge starts whenever you receive a Samsung tablet device using a foreign language and you are trying to change the language.

Here we will reveal where to click in a complete step-by-step tutorial.

We know how frustrating it could be to have a device in a language that you don’t understand, preventing you even from changing it, because you don’t have an idea where to click.

How To Change Language On A Samsung Tablet

Let’s see the steps on how to change the language on a Samsung tablet.

Changing Language on Samsung Tablet Step-by-Step Tutorial

In the below-listed steps, we will include information such as how far down to scroll and which numerical position are the settings aligned in in case your device is using an unknown language.

Step 1 – Navigation

Press the power button located in the upper right corner of your device and swipe the screen to unlock it. If your Samsung tablet requires a passcode, write down the passcode and you should land at the home screen.

Step 2 – Settings

Locate and click on the “Apps” icon (The icon appears as 9 white dots in a square formation). Then locate the “Settings app (The icon looks like a gray gear wheel) and tap on it. At this point, you should be in the general settings menu of your Samsung tablet.

Step 3 – System Settings

Scrolling down the menu you can easily notice that there are four types of settings. All four categories are colored in different colors accordingly (1st category = blue, 2nd category = orange, third category = yellow, and the 4th category = green). There are about 4 or 5 settings in each of the categories and the category we are looking for is the green one (labeled in English as “System”. 

Scroll down until you find the green tab (category) and the first green settings should be “Language and input”. 

Step 4 – Language Settings

Press on “Language and input” and a new menu containing a list of 7 different settings. The one we are looking for should be on top labeled “Language”.

Step 5 – Choose a Language

Press on  “Language” and you should be able to see all the different languages that Samsung supports. Once you locate the desired language simply press on it and you should experience a slight lag or freeze frames, and shortly after the device should be using the selected language.

Step 6 – Restart The Device

Even if the language is successfully changed, it is highly recommended to restart the device after you are ready. To do so, hold down the power button until a “Shut Down” prompt appears, then click it and wait for the device to turn off. Once turned off, hold the power button again for about 3-4 seconds until the device vibrates, then release the button. The tables should be on in a couple of seconds.

Common Issues When Changing Language on Samsung Tablet

Some customers reported that they are unable to change the language on their Samsung tablet due to several different reasons. The most common issue appears on older devices, and it basically prevents you from using a certain language.

For instance, if you click on a certain language and an error prompt appears that the selected language does not exist, that means that you need to manually download it. Do so, follow the link from the prompt message, and download the language pack. Once downloaded simply locate it via the files app on your tablet, unpack it and try to select it again.

Another common issue is outdated software. Many languages might not appear on older Android (not-supported versions). Here we can apply the same workflow, but downloading the language pack manually and installing it.

Furthermore, if the language is installed on the Samsung tablet, and you still have issues enabling it, simply restart the device. It is well-known for tablets to have trouble unpacking and loading a certain language pack (especially the ones that you manually download), so a simple restart will reboot all services and processes which most of the time resolves the issue.

Bottom Line:

In general, it is super easy to change the language of a Samsung tablet. However, the real challenge here is to change the tablet to your language while it is using a foreign language. This is why our steps explained how all Icons look and how they are aligned in the menu so you can easily navigate the location. We hope our post was helpful and for more informative posts on technology and troubleshooting refer to:

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